
Great Little European Network programa pradedantiems kūrėjams


Nuotraukos autorius – Dmitrijus Matvejevas “Herojai.2” (Slovėnija)

Festivalis Sirenos/ Teatro informacijos centras nuo šių metų prisijungė prie naujai įsteigto tinklo – GLEN (Great Little European Network), jungiančio mažų Europos šalių meno kūrėjus ir organizacijas.

Nuo šio rudens tinklas vykdys tinklaveikos ir mentorystės programas, į kurias kviečia jungtis tarptautinę karjerą pradedančius scenos menininkus. Kiekviena iš šalių narių pakvies prisijungti po vieną menininką, kurie turės galimybę dalyvauti webinaruose bei gyvuose susitkimuose ir turėti tarptautinės karjeros mentorių iš kitos šalies.

Programa siekiama jauniems/ pradedantiems kūrėjams atverti kelią į tarptautinę scenos menų rinką. Paraiškų laukiame iki birželio 15 d.

Paraiškų laukiame iki birželio 15 d.
Jas galite siųsti į info@lithuaniantheatre.com paštą.
Daugiau infrormacijos:

Network grant : GLEN

GLEN (Great Little European Network) connects the smallest countries of Europe through common networking and training programmes with the objective to contribute to designing more meaningful practices and more sustainable performing arts sectors in the concerned countries, interconnecting them and taking a prominent place on the international scene. The network aims to be an incubator for those who, while benefiting from a local anchorage, ambition to develop their practice internationally.

GLEN has been established in 2023 at the initiative of 8 organisations working in supporting the structuration and internationalisation of their national performing arts field:

For its first year of existence, from September 2023 to June 2024, GLEN will implement three schemes of activities:

  • Networking events: in Riga from the 1st to the 4th of November and in Tartu in early May 2024;
  • Critical friendships: peer matching across partner countries with other grantees or third professionals to provide mutual support and understanding of each other’s context;
  • Webinars: addressing the specificities of producing and distributing in small countries and advising on how to develop internationally from there.

For Critical Friendships  each GLEN member will select one artist to join the network. The artist will:

  • receive a grant of 500 eur
  • have to travel to the live meetings in Latvia and Estonia (costs will be covered)
  • become part of a mentoring programme to kickstart their international career (personal mentor from another country, webinars)


Independent artists working in performing arts


  • Being at an early or middle stage of a career and taking first steps at the international level
  • Interest in taking part to the life of a network
  • Interest in working in with peers from the countries of GLEN

Selection process

The applicant will provide the following documents:

  • Artistic CV in english
  • A motivation letter : introducing the motivation to join a network and work with the partner countries and stating how critical friendship could help the applicant’s work
  • A short presentation of the applicant’s current projects

Applications will be reviewed and the grantee selected by the representatives of the partner organisations of GLEN. The decision is final.

Applications must be submitted before 15th June 2023 midnight CET

Amount of the Grant

The grantee will receive a lump sum of 500 € to cover expenses in the frame of the critical friendship.


  • Participate in the two networking events;
  • Maintain a regular dialogue with the assigned critical friend
  • Follow GLEN webinars as much as possible;
  • Submit a report at the end of the project;
  • Include the names and logos of the GLEN funders on all project-related communication materials

The Project partners led by Kanuti Gildi SAAL has received network funding from the Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Culture to establish GLEN – Great Little European Network.
